Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Barack Obama's TV Ad


Barack Obama is trying to explain the detail why we need to break out of high gas prices and foreign oils. He wants to create efficient energy to fuel America. Also he wants to create new environment friendly job opportunities. We liked this T.V. ad because the setting looked retro so we were wondering what it had to connect with Barack Obama's message. We didn't like the music because it was too corny. Finally we liked how his voice stood out from the music so we could clearly understand the message.

Posted by Mike

John McCain's TV Ad


(The video is linked above.) This video is a lot like his other TV ads the same background voice and the same text boxes crossing across the screen. The thing that Palin and McCain have accomplished in there life is mentioned. Also they are saying that without them in the White House it wouldn't be perfect.

Posted by Mike

Election Results

1. Are you satisfied with the elections result? why or why not?

I was satisfied with the results because Barack Obama is a younger person and understands what people want in this century. Also if McCain or Palin were in office it would be bad because
they don't seem to know what they are talking about.

2. After seeing it in action last night, would you still keep or get rid of the electoral college

After the election I would keep the electoral college system because everyone knows how it works. If we changed it then the new system that would be made, might not be ready for the next election and cause confusion.

3. How close was your map to the results? What changed? What actually happened?

My map was one state off of being perfect. the one state that was wrong was North Carolina. I was wrong because I said that McCain would win it. Barack Obama won that state.

4. Did your Gallup poll research influence your prediction? If so why?

My research did not influence my prediction because I new that everyone liked Obama more then McCain. The polls showed that Obama would win the election anyways. McCain seemed like he was going to win in the spring ,but once Sarah Palin came into the election it was over for him.

5. Other Comments you would like to share?

On CNN I liked the holograms of the people. It seemed futuristic and I had no clue we had that technology yet. Also the check inns when ever a state was decided they would have an alert noise that would notify you.

Posted by Mike

John McCain's Web Site Review

John McCain's website was well laid out because there are pictures in the text to let the reader picture what is being talked about. Also we enjoyed how there were pictures of the candidate and his running partner. Finally we liked how John McCain posted pictures for the issues, so you had general understanding of what they were. We didn't like how there was an ad for John McCain because he was talking and it was hard to read the opening page.

Posted by Mike

Barack Obama's Web Site Review

Barrack Obama website is good in some ways and bad in different ways. One good thing about this website is that you can go to Hillary's Clinton's website down on his main page. Another good thing about this website is the colors represent the Democratic party. One bad thing about this website is there is much more text than he has pictures which doesn't interest you very much. We also don't like how big the main page is because when you start to get to the end of the page it gets really boring.

Posted by Mike

Age Gallup Poll


This Gallup poll put Obama way ahead of McCain with younger voters. As the age of the voters increased Obama's lead diminished until he was tied with McCain for support from voters 65 and up.

Posted by Mike

Region Gallup Poll


This pole shows how people in the different regions feel about the candidates. These results show that Obama is more popular in the North, the East, and the West but McCain is more popular in the South probably because he from Arizona. Obama is from Illinios and leads the east by the largest gape. The results have not changed much since the begining of August. But in Mid-August McCain took a small lead in the Mid-West.

Posted by Mike